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  • A bit of a redo: the Marni necklace my way

    By bigglassesgirl | August 22, 2007

    As mentioned before, have been longing to diy at least one of the Marni necklaces from the F/W collection.  Today decided I would try my hand at this one:

    …but with a few alterations so as to make it super budget-friendly (read as: I’m a student so being cheap is second nature 99% of the time), and with a twist or two to make it my own купить жилье в Москве вторичка.  As a result, switched out the stones and used something entirely different.  You won’t believe me when I tell you what, but have faith.  Call it taking inspiration from different homeclick places and trying to be creative.



    So I used hair clips as my embellishment.  From the dollar store, no less.  What?  I really liked how they looked; that they were 3 for a $1 didn’t hurt either.  Hurrah!

    First step after I purchased the hair clips was to take out the screws as I only needed the top part.

    For the backdrop of my necklace, decided I would use a piece of leather.  Cut it to a small rectangle and played with how I wanted to lay out the sprialed pieces новостройки в Москве от застройщика


    Once I had decided which style I liked best, I started to sew the pieces onto the leather.  On the side where the screw was, the thread is hidden, and on the other side I looped it to create a simple design.  I alternated pieces so that the visible looping isn’t only on one side.

    The actual sewing took a while because the leather was thick and even with a larger needle it was tough to get through. 

    Instead of a chain, used a very thin rope of leather.  Knotted it to the top piece and put a necklace clasp at the ends.

    And now my dears, when all is said and done, here is how my necklace looks.  Clearly strayed from the original design, but I think there’s a bit of the original essence still there.

    Total cost: $9

    Topics: oh my diy | No Comments »

    I covet #8

    By bigglassesgirl | August 22, 2007

    On the left, the original version from Marni’s fall showing.  On the right, the piece as seen in an editorial.

    At first a teeny bit hesitant (I thought it looked too grade-school-craft-mishmash with both feathers and stones), but now that I am completely convinced I must turn this into a diy project because it is amazing.

    Simultaneously, must find the appropriate materials to diy this bad boy as well.

    Love love love.

    Topics: I covet | No Comments »

    Shop Vogue is a go - my wallet says no.

    By bigglassesgirl | August 21, 2007

    Today is the debut of Shop Vogue.  Now you and I can shop top brands in the comfort of our home/work office/local internet cafe right from the ads featured in the magazine.  No longer necessary is the traditionally (sometimes) laborious task of having to find featured pieces on our own through either nap or eluxury or in realtime at the shops.  

    You can also watch behind-the-scenes videos of how said ad is created or how the fashion show looked.  If that doesn’t leave you completely enthralled with the entire creative process and wanting a piece of the pie, I don’t know what will.  Very clever plan for inducing fashion intoxication.

    Me?  I just got a cheque in the mail today, so it’s a bit tempting to throw caution (and all sensible reason) to the wind, create an illogical excuse for celebration, and click away until I buy something I like.  The good news is that so far restraint has prevailed, and I’m just keeping myself entertained by watching all the mini-videos. 

    Topics: insider's peek | No Comments »

    Time to revisit the hipster haven…

    By bigglassesgirl | August 21, 2007

    …also known as American Apparel.  Am simply jumping for joy at the prospect of interacting with those disillusioned, blase-to-the-nth-degree store workers.  But alas, it must be done, because I’ve been eyeing these 3 things off the site for too many weeks and really want to try them on in person.

    Would order online, but when it comes to this long-torsoed-gangly-arm mess of a body I have, things like coat-sleeve lengths and defined waists on dresses really need to be dealt with in person.

    Topics: craves and raves | No Comments »

    Black and white but nothing for baby.

    By bigglassesgirl | August 21, 2007

    Took my hunt for a baby gift to the shops today, but I still came up empty-handed.  Will continue the search tomorrow at some downtown boutiques, but for now I find solace in the items I picked up for myself.  The first is an oversized black sleeveless top with lace applique.

    Photo doesn’t justice to the volume on this top, as the lace is stitched in a manner that makes it impossible for it to lay flat.  On the back, the lace flutters out as well to create an illusion of teeny-tiny angel wings. 

    Next top is boxy, stiff and shorter, so will do well as a top layer.  The white design is another fabric stitched on top, can only guess at what it is because I picked it up at a thrift store, but can say for certain that’s where the shape of the top comes from. 

    Topics: new purchase | No Comments »

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